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Putin is perplexed, Russian generals are confused

 Russian President Putin is puzzled, Russian generals are confused: according to their plans, 2-3 days after the large-scale invasion of Ukraine, a new government was to be established in Kiev, and a parade of Russian troops was to take place on Khreshchatyk. However, it turned out to be the deepest mistake. The Russian army has failed to show effective action against the Ukrainian Armed Forces. With his authoritarianism, Putin is forcing military leaders to immerse themselves more and more in the war against the Ukrainian people. Having no successful action against Ukrainian troops, Russian military leaders have given meaningful orders to attack civilians. Direct artillery and air strikes are carried out on residential buildings, schools, hospitals, tanks shoot at cars of civilians trying to escape from hostilities. In fact, Putin is committing genocide against the people of Ukraine.

Since 2014, after the annexation of Crimea and the armed capture by the Russian army of parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the Putin regime established in Russia began to be called fascist. However, the world's elite did not perceive this threat properly. And only after a full-scale invasion of Ukraine did the world community and politicians understand who they were dealing with.

Putin is not going to stop in the war against Ukraine, despite the huge losses of Russian troops, which from February 24 to March 7, inclusive:

personnel - more than 12 thousand man

• tanks - 303 units

• armored combat vehicles - 1036 units

• artillery systems - 120 units

• MLRS - 56 units

• air defense means - 27 units

• aircraft - 48 units

• helicopters - 80 units

• automotive equipment - 474 units

• ships / boats - 3 units

• tanks with PPM - 60

• UAV operational and tactical level - 7.

The occupiers are demoralized and increasingly resort to looting and violations of international humanitarian law. In the territories temporarily occupied by the Russian occupiers, facts, robberies, acts of violence against local residents, seizure of civilian premises, and the establishment of firing positions in densely populated areas of civilian infrastructure are widely recorded.


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