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Сreate highly interactive mockups for web and mobile projects

InVision is a web-based prototyping tool that allows designers to create highly interactive mockups for web and mobile projects. While you can't create designs directly within InVision itself, you can upload your static page designs into the tool and then add hotspots to transform them into fully interactive mockups. Additionally, InVision has the ability to sync with your Photoshop or Sketch documents, allowing you to update your prototype in real-time within your design suite program of choice.

Create a site online store 

In terms of features, InVision has a wide array of valuable tools to facilitate your workflow including preview mode, comments, version control, and file syncing. It also offers a variety of transition animations and mobile gestures (swiping, tapping, etc.) that can help bring your design to life. One of my favourite features in InVision is its ability to create hover states for any design element. This allows your prototype to be even more representative of the final product as you can add advanced interactivity such as drop-down menus and hover states for buttons.

InVision's ability to facilitate collaboration is its greatest asset. Teammates, clients, or anyone shared on the mockup has the ability to leave location-specific comments and threads. This eliminates confusion created through back and forth email threads, and helps ensure that changes are implemented exactly where they need to be. Plus, with InVision's LiveShare feature, collaboration can happen in real-time using a screen sharing integration that includes chat, collaborator-specific mouses, and sketching capabilities.


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Компанией Sigma представлена новая цифровая фотокамера Sigma DP2x.

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Marvel  is a great browser-based prototyping tool that excels in its ability to simplify the prototyping process. As soon as you've signed up for your Marvel account, you're immediately dropped into the interface and can begin creating your first prototype. From there, you can easily upload your image files into Marvel and start adding gestures and transitions. The platform supports direct uploading of certain image file types including PSD, GIF, and JPG, as well as third party uploading via Google Drive, Sketch, or Dropbox.   Create  a  site   online   store Marvel's mobile companion app is probably the tool's coolest feature. If you're a designer who loves starting projects on paper, the app can turn your sketches into prototypes just by taking a photo. Your photos are automatically synced with your Marvel account, allowing you to quickly create mockups to experiment with before even designing a single layout in Photoshop or Sketch. Not only is Marvel simple to u...

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